Here are some moving tips from my article, "101 Best Moving Tips:"
Getting Organized
1. Start early- Almost everyone has more stuff than they think they do, and almost no one leaves enough time to pack it.
2. Room Lists- Start by forming two room lists, one for your current place and one for future place. This will help you manage what has to go where.
3. Room Inventory- Go to each room and write down the types of things that need to be packed: furniture items, length of shelving, closets, etc.
4. Time Allotment- Make sure to leave enough time. The most common timeframe reported by people moving is that it takes a month to pack. One study reported that it takes 4-5 hours to pack an average dorm room, so that should give you an idea of what’s involved.
5. Calendar- Pull out a calendar and plan by day when each room will be completed.
6. Delegation- If you’re moving with family members, agree with them exactly while tasks they will be doing and the date they will be finished.
7. Track your progress- at least once per week track where you are against the date on the calendar. Revise your plan if you’re falling behind.
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